Volltext: IT & Finance

Festlegung von individuellen Maßnahmen zu deren Realisierung und zur 
Überwachung der Wirksamkeit der getroffenen Maßnahmen. 
Certified Financial Planner’s (CFP) Board of Standards und das Technical 
Committee ISO/TC 222, Personal financial planning, der International Organization 
for Standardization definieren den Prozess der Persönlichen Finanzplanung (personal 
financial planning process) wie folgt: 
The personal financial planning process shall include, but is not limited to, six 
steps that can be repeated throughout the client and financial planner relationship. The 
client can decide to end the process before having passed all the steps. The process 
involves gathering relevant financial information, setting life goals, examining your 
current financial status and coming up with a strategy or plan for how you can meet 
your goals given your current situation and future plans. The financial planning 
process consists of the following six steps: 
1. Establishing and defining the client-planner relationship. 
The financial planner should clearly explain or document the services to be 
provided to the client and define both his and his client's responsibilities. 
The planner should explain fully how he will be paid and by whom. The 
client and the planner should agree on how long the professional relationship 
should last and on how decisions will be made. 
2. Gathering client data and determining goals and expectations. 
The financial planner should ask for information about the client’s financial 
situation. The client and the planner should mutually define the client’s 
personal and financial goals, understand the client’s time frame for results 
and discuss, if relevant, how the client feel about risk. The financial planner 
should gather all the necessary documents before giving advice the client 
3. Analyzing and evaluating the client’s financial status. 
The financial planner should analyze the client’s information to assess the 
client’s current situation and determine what the client must do to meet his 
goals. Depending on what services the client has asked for, this could include 
analyzing the client’s assets, liabilities and cash flow, current insurance 
coverage, investments or tax strategies. 
4. Developing and presenting financial planning recommendations and/or 
The financial planner should offer financial planning recommendations that 
address the client’s goals, based on the information the client provides. The 
planner should go over the recommendations with the client to help the client 
understand them so that the client can make informed decisions. The planner 
should also listen to the client’s concerns and revise the recommendations as 
5. Implementing the financial planning recommendations. 
The client and the planner should agree on how the recommendations will be 
carried out. The planner may carry out the recommendations or serve as the 


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