Volltext: IT & Finance

particular, this database will contain the definition of the set of indicators that can be 
used for risk monitoring and benchmarking purposes. 
[AR05] André Rifaut: Goal-Driven Requirements Engineering for Supporting the ISO 15504 
Assessment Process. EuroSPI 2005, European Conference on Software Process 
Improvement, Budapest, Hungary 
[BRMH05] B. Di Renzo, M. Hillairet, M. Picard, A. Rifaut, C. Bernard, D. Hagen, P. Maar, D. 
Reinard, “Operational Risk management in Financial Institutions: Process Assessment in 
Concordance with Basel II", International Conference SPiCE 2005. 
[BRVL05] B. Di Renzo, B. Barafort, V. Lejeune, S. Prime, J-M. Simon, “777L Based Service 
Management Measurement and ISO/IEC 15504 Process Assessment: A Win-Win 
Opportunity”, International Conference SPiCE 2005. 
[VS99]Van Solingen, “The Goal/Question/Metric Method: A Practical Guide For Quality 
Improvement of Software Development”, McGraw-Hill, Jan. 1999, ISBN-0077095537 
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, “The 2002 Loss Data Collection Exercise for 
Operational Risk: Summary of the Data Collected”, Basel Committee on Banking 
Supervision, Risk Management Group, Bank for International Settlements, March 2003. 
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, International Convergence of Capital Measurement 
and Capital Standards, Bank for International Settlements Press & communication; Basel, 
Switzerland, June 2004. 
IASCF, IAS 39 "Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement", International 
Reporting Standard (IFRSs), International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation 
(IASCF), 31 march 2004. 
ISACA, "Control Objective for Information and related Technology", COBIT Framework, 
Control Objectives, Information Systems Audit and Control Association, 2004 
ISO/IEC 15504-1:2004, "Information Technology — Process assessment — Part 1: Concepts and 
ISO/IEC 15504-2:2003, "Information Technology — Process assessment — Part 2: Performing 
an assessment" 
PCAOB, “An audit of internal control over financial reporting performed in conjunction with 
an audit of financial statements", Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, Bylaws 
and Rules — Standards — AS2, PCAOB release No 2004-001 


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