Volltext: How do states without defence forces defend themselves?

mitigate the effects from which the country is already suffering". In pursuit of this end Tuvaluan 
leaders engage passionately on the devastating effects climate change is having on their states 
and the existential threat climate change poses to their nation and their people. This includes 
chastising the world's only super power when in response to US President Trump's withdrawal 
of the US from the Paris Climate Deal Tuvalu's Prime Minister Enele Sopoaga said: 
^| have instructed my officials not to talk any climate change issues with this country until a new 
policy is put in place," 
and added: "/ think it doesn't make any sense to talk about any other thing if we don't fix the 
problem of climate change. ””* 
Tuvalu's leaders have also used the media and other forms of soft power to influence and 
mobilise public opinion in larger influential states such as the United States, Britain, Australia 
and the European Union (EU)?. This has yielded political capital that could influence the policy 
positions of these states in major climate conferences but also yielded commitments for 
mitigating aid support to alleviate tidal inundation and damage to fresh water supplies’. 
For Tuvalu its small land area, large EEZ, small population, small economy and vulnerability to 
climate change mean its national security equation has neither the financial resources or 
manpower for military forces nor the security need for military forces. In short there is no 
realistic threat to Tuvalu’s national interests that can be mitigated by the use of force. A Police 
maritime capability supported by Australian money and advisers manages resource security 
and the bigger existential security issue of climate change is managed by diplomacy, public 
affairs and Tuvalu’s sovereign status in the community of nations. Without this sovereign status 
Tuvalu would not have access to the international fora it currently does to put forth its case. The 
current international system of sovereign states and the United Nations gives Tuvalu the means 
to defend itself, its people and its interests in a way a military force can not. 
Liechtenstein and Tuvalu are not typical states by any means but they are sovereign entities 
" Tuvalu's Views on the Possible Security Implications of Climate Change to be 
included in the report of the UN Secretary General to the UN General Asembly 64'^ 
session, hitp://www.un.org/esa/dsd/resources/res pdfs/ga-64/cc-inputs/Tuvalu CCIS.pdf 
7? Tuvalu PM reaction to Trump https://pasifik.news/pacific-leaders-react-us-climate-move- 
7? Tuvalu Media Engagement on Climate Change http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-08-15/an- 
™ Foreign Aid in Support of Climate Change http://dfat.gov.au/geo/tuvalu/development- 


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