Volltext: Vom Handschuh zur Emanzipation von Frau und Mann

Schließen möchte ich meine Ausführungen wiederum mit einem Zitat 
von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: „Wer die Geschichte nicht kennt, ist 
gezwungen sie zu wiederholen.“ Durch Bewusstwerdung der Vorder- 
und Hintergründe, gefolgt von ,Trauerarbeit" (ein Begriff von Sigmund 
Freud) kónnte, erstmals in der Weltgeschichte, neben der individuellen 
auch die patriarchale gesellschaftliche Vergangenheit und Gegenwart 
bewältigt werden. Die Emanzipation von Frau und Mann kann eine 
gewaltfreie, partnerschaftliche und menschenwürdige Gegenwart und 
Zukunft ermóglichen. 
Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit. 
4. English Summary: 
From Glove to Emancipation of Women and Men 
Both the Roman "manus" and the Teutonic "munt" signify hand and are 
synonymous with power. The right hand of the patriarch who exercised 
his authority was also the hand of the able-bodied man gripping his 
sword. Since the high Middle Ages, this right hand wore a glove which 
played a significant role both in the law and traditions of the patriarch and 
the able-bodied man. However, patriarchal authority and fitness for 
military service were/are combined in one and the same hand, which is 
why male dominance is based both on patriarchal power and on the 
fitness for military service. Both of them got pretexts used to prevent the 
political entitlement of women. The right hand glove of the able-bodied 
man and head of the family can be considered as insignia of fitness for 
military service and patriarchal authority. The glove was furthermore an 
insignia of secular and ecclesiastical power and jurisdiction, which is why 
the right-hand glove is an insignia of power and dominance on the whole 
and can be found as relicts all over the world until today. 
Both powers king and pope used to have a glove representing his 
person. Gloves were given as gifts from under authorities to upper 
authorities for legitimation of power. So to the supreme judge, who 
judges in representation of the king. As well as to the pope, cardinal, 
bishop and abbot, representing gods power on earth. The glove was also 
a sign for fitness for military service up today and patriarchal authority. 
So women had to emancipate from male dominance represented by the 
glove of the husband and house owner. 
The glove acquired ritualistic significance and was used in ceremonies, 
demonstrated giving the example of the imperial and ceremonial glove of 


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