Volltext: The Transport Protocol of the Alpine Convention: Added Value to the Transport Policy of the European Community?

4.2.2. The "Letzetunnel" - first case of application of Article 11 TP? 
In May 1997, during the negotiations on the Transport Protocol, some deputies of the 
Parliament of Liechtenstein asked their Government to examine the applicability of the 
basic principles of the Alpine Convention as well as the Transport Protocol to the 
Austrian project regarding a new tunnel in Feldkirch, some kilometres from the 
Austrian border to Liechtenstein. This project, called "Letzetunnel", would, among 
other effects, contribute to link the two motorways which follow the Rhine Valley with 
only few kilometres distance between each other on both sides of the Rhine. The 
Letzetunnel project would realise the first intersection-free link between the two sides 
of the Rhine. As a part of the international route from Stuttgart to Milano, this would 
make the transit route over the San-Bernardino pass much more attractive and, 
consequently, influence the traffic flow through Liechtenstein 110 . 
On 14 November 2000, after signature of the Transport Protocol, the Liechtenstein 
Government stated that, to his opinion, Article 11(2) TP should apply in this case 111 . 
According to some Members of the Parliament, the project even falls under the 
prohibition of Article 11(1) TP 112 . Ever since, the dispute is not resolved 113 . 
Even if the Letzetunnel project is not part of the TEN-T, it shows clearly where 
problems and cases of application of the Transport Protocol will lie in the future: 
Projects which fill the gaps of the existing intra-Alpine motorway networks, thus 
creating new trans-Alpine connections 114 . In this context, the interpretation of 'intra- 
Alpine' and 'trans-Alpine' will be crucial for the application of Article 11 TP and it is 
already possible to imagine the difficulties arising. 
110 Liechtensteinische Gesellschaft für Umweltschutz (LGU). Verkehr in Liechtenstein - Bestands 
aufnahme und Wege für die Zukunft, Schaan (FL) 2002. p.30. 
111 Liechtenstein Government. Postulatsbeantwortung der Regierung an den Landtag des Fürstentums 
Liechtenstein betreffend Alpenkonvention und Letzetunnel, Nr. 142/2000. Vaduz 2000. p.21. 
112 "Der Letzetunnel fällt unter das Verkehrsprotokoll. Alpenkonvention und Letzetunnel: Landtag nahm 
Postulatsbeantwortung der Regiemng zur Kenntnis". Liechtensteiner Volksblatt, 14 December 2000. 
113 "Keine Alternative zu Letzetunnel. Österreichs Verkehrsminister Hubert Gorbach: Baubeginn Ende 
2005". Liechtensteiner Volksblatt, 2 April 2003. 
114 See supra, note 106.


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