Volltext: The Transport Protocol of the Alpine Convention: Added Value to the Transport Policy of the European Community?

guaranteeing fair competition between the different means of transport (Article 
l(l)(e) TP); 
observing the precautionary principle, the preventive principle and the 
polluter-pays principle (Article 1(2) TP). 
Article 3(1) TP specifies the means in order to achieve a sustainable transport policy 
and illustrates the different interests which have to be respected in this context, namely 
the environmental, social and economical interests. 
3.4.2. Implementing measures 
The objectives mentioned above shall be realised by a number of specific measures, 
which are grouped on the three levels of, first, strategies, concepts and planning, 
second, technical measures and, third, monitoring and control. 
Strategies, concepts and planning 
Regarding the general strategy of transport policy, the contracting parties are obliged: 
- to realise efficient and secure transport regulation in harmonised trans-border 
networks (Article 7 TP); 
- to realise opportunity assessments, environmental impact assessments and risk 
analysis when building, modifying or enlarging significantly any transport 
infrastructures (Article 8(1) TP); 
- to consult the concerned contracting parties in case transport projects have 
considerable cross-border effects; however, this does not apply to projects 
already decided at the moment of the acceptance of the Transport Protocol 
(Article 8(2) TP). 
Technical measures 
On the technical level, the contracting parties have committed: 
- to improve public transport (Article 9 TP); 
- to improve and to modernise rail infrastructure, especially by moving towards 
a modal shift in long-distance freight transport and promoting intermodality 
(rail, coastal ship, intermodal terminals) (Article 10 TP);


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