Volltext: The Transport Protocol of the Alpine Convention: Added Value to the Transport Policy of the European Community?

Up until now, eight implementing protocols as well as the Dispute Settlement Protocol 
have been adopted 39 . They cover the following areas: regional planning, soil 
conservation, protection of nature and the countryside, mountain farming, mountain 
forests, tourism and recreation, energy and transport. To a major part, they have been 
signed by the contracting parties, but their ratification is still lacking 40 . Compared to the 
twelve areas mentioned in Article 2(2) AC, protocols concerning population and 
culture, prevention of air pollution, water management, and waste management are still 
39 The Monaco Protocol has not been included in this listing because it does not constitute a real 
implementing protocol in the sense of Article 2 (3) AC. It allowed Monaco, which was not present at the 
1 st Alpine Conference, to join on 22 March 1999. 
40 Only Austria. Germany and Liechtenstein have ratified all protocols.


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