Volltext: Tax crime as predicate offence to money laundering

Amendments of the schedules to chapter 65A of the Corruption, Drug trafficking and other serious 
crimes (confiscation of benefits) act can be made by the Minister according to art. 63 of the confisca- 
tion of benefits act..® 
The definition according to Art. 3 point (4) (f) of the 4^ AMLD is irrelevant for Singapore, since it 
isn't a member to the EEA. 
The results of the on-site visit by the FATF's evaluators in November and December 2015 are sched- 
uled to being discussed at the June 2016 plenary meeting. 
2.2.9 Intermediate Result 
The result of the analysis of the national implementation of the international standard on tax crime as 
predicate offence to ML shows that the range of degree of implementation goes from full to almost 
none. This leads to the AML/CFT-system being inconsistent from a global perspective and difficult to 
apply in practice, because FATF staff, EU staff, compliance officers, FIU analysts and prosecutors 
when confronted with the implementation of FATF recommendation 3 do not have a common termi- 
nology at hand to start with. Additionally, nobody can apply roughly the same concept of tax crime as 
predicate offence to ML on different countries involved in the same case. This entails the need to ap- 
ply much more resources than if there was more consistency in the implementation of tax crime as 
predicate offence to ML, both by the private and the public sector. 
8 Amendments to Schedules 
63. The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, amend the First and Second Schedules. [52 [25/99] 


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