Volltext: Der Stellenwert des öffentlichen Bibliothekswesens in den Zwergstaaten Europas

cater for a better catchment area 
provide services that meet with the ever-changing needs 
have enough room to hold activities which while promoting reading 
and literacy, inform participants on relevant topics 
o Branch libraries will be in the Local Councils remit and act more as a 
community information hub rather than the public library that we are 
presently used to. 
Any cataloguing services demanded from Malta Libraries will be done 
against a cost — €20 per publication 
Malta Libraries will be able to focus and provide better quality 
services in the central public library and the regional libraries 
e Maintain Users! Needs Analysis on an annual basis 
o Acknowledging, understanding and keeping abreast with the changing 
needs of individuals as well as their community 
o Evaluating and updating the library's collection, system and services 
e Library Promotion 
o Keeping a good liaison with the Friends of the Public Library team 
Communicating with the virtual community linked to Malta Libraries 
website and Facebook pages 
Participate in blogs, book reviews and writing platforms 
Hold activities on a regular basis which will generate traffic at the 
public libraries as well as promote the library services 
e Lending services: 
o Adult Library 
Maintain a good management system of the collection through 
collection development exercises 
Increase circulation to reach 170,000 loans 
Increase new members to reach 2,500 members 
o Junior Library 
Maintain a good management system of the collection through 
collection development exercises 
Increase circulation to reach 112,000 loans 


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