Volltext: Der Stellenwert des öffentlichen Bibliothekswesens in den Zwergstaaten Europas

" Requirements — 1 person to replace retiring staff member in 
charge of children's activities (estimate €16,000 annual salary 
[Scale 14]) 
e Introduction of Teens’ Activities twice a month 
" Requirements — 1 person to replace retiring staff member in 
charge of children's activities (estimate €16,000 annual salary 
[Scale 14]) same as above 
e New library system 
o Staff Training 
e Requirements — clearing and re-organising the training room 
e Updating cataloguing standards from UKMARC to MARC21 
e Re-establishing a Special Needs Library 
e Requirements — 1 person to replace retiring staff member (estimate 
€16,000 annual salary [Scale 14]) 
o Exploring the American Corner benefits 
o Commencing the conversion of cassettes to mp3s 
Medium-term Strategies till end of 2016 
e Support to Regional and Branch libraries: 
o Rethinking the number of Branch libraries, their premises and services 
e Reduce the number of branch libraries according to their feasibility 
" Branch libraries are currently costing around €60,000 in 
salaries, stationery supplies, electricity, water and telephone 
=" The €75,000 allocated for Public Libraries from the Book Fund 
is currently divided between 43 libraries. 
=" A good number of local councils are not supporting libraries 
= Most local councils are intruding on acquisitions and donations 
are also promoting censorship which goes against the public 
library policy 
= Most branch and regional libraries do not abide by the health 
and safety regulations — restricted access, limited space to 


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