Volltext: Der Stellenwert des öffentlichen Bibliothekswesens in den Zwergstaaten Europas

the National Librarian subject to any terms and conditions that were applicable to those records 
and other materials on that day. 
35. (1) When anything has been commenced by or under the authority of the Government prior 
to the date of the coming into force of Part V of this Act, and such thing relates to any of the 
properties or undertakings or any right or liability transferred to the Malta Libraries by or under 
this Act, such thing may be carried on and completed by or as authorised by the Malta Libraries. 
(2) Where, immediately before the coming into force of Part V of this Act, any legal 
proceedings are pending to which the Government is or is entitled to be a party, and such 
proceedings are related to any of the properties or undertakings, or any right or liability 
transferred by or under this Act, the Malta Libraries shall, as from the date aforesaid, be 
substituted in such proceedings for the Government, or shall be made a party thereto in like 
manner as the Government could have become substituted, and such proceedings shall not abate 
by reason of such substitution. 
(3) The Minister may, by order, make such incidental, consequential and supplemental 
provisions as he may deem necessary or expedient for the purpose of determining, as 
appropriate, the assets transferred to the Malta Libraries by this Act and securing and giving full 
effect to the transfer of any property or undertaking or any right or liability to the Malta 
Libraries by this Act and make such orders as may be necessary to make any powers and duties 
exercisable by the Government in relation to any of the transferred property or undertakings 
exercisable by or on behalf of the Malta Libraries. 
36. (1) Any subsidiary legislation made under any of the Saving. provisions of the Public 
Libraries Ordinance* shall, until other provision is made under or by virtue of this Act, continue 
in force and have effect as if made under this Act. 
(2) Any authority or order granted or made under any of the provisions of the Public Libraries 
Ordinance in force immediately before the coming into force of this Act, shall continue in force 
thereafter as if it were an authority or order granted or made under a corresponding provision of 
this Act, and any such authority or order as aforesaid shall be treated and dealt with accordingly. 
(3) All references in other Acts and regulations to the Public Libraries of Malta, or to the 
Librarian, shall be construed as applying to the Malta Libraries and its libraries, or to the 
National Librarian thereof and all references to the Public Libraries Ordinance, shall be 
construed as referring to this Act. 
[Article 4(3)] 
Libraries in respect of which the Malta Libraries Act applies : 
The National Library 
The Central Public Library 
The Regional Libraries: 
The Branch Libraries: 


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