Volltext: Rapport national [Englisch]

2. Are there examples of references to international sources of law, such as 
a) the European Convention on Human Rights, 
Basic comments: 
As has been explained above, the ECHR provides individual rights as a result of the rule of 
Art. 15 (2)(a) StGHG which a complaining party may call upon before the State Court just 
like in the case of a violation of a constitutional fundamental right." 
The practice of the State Court - and literature" already before that - has for a long time 
granted "de facto constitutional status" to the ECHR'®, which Liechtenstein joined in 1982, 
although no constitutional ranking was assumed when the ECHR was ratified. Tt certainly 
was of major importance for practice and literature that Switzerland, too, considers the ECHR 
to have "supra-legal status". '® 
The question raised in literature whether the ECHR might have "supra-legal status" I? has 
been expressly left open by the State Court in this decision”, and the State Court has not 
returned to it since then. 
The de facto constitutional status of the ECHR was not changed by the revision of the 
Constitution of 2002?! either; since that revision, it has been possible to examine even 
e the Convention of 18 December 1979 on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women 
(lit. d), and 
e the Convention of 10 December 1984 against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading 
Treatment or Punishment (lit. e). 
P See in this context also: Peter Bussjáger, Die Beschwerde an den Staatsgerichtshof, in: Kley/Vallender (ed.), 
Grundrechtspraxis in Liechtenstein, LPS 52 (2012), p. 867; Tobias Michael Wille, Liechtensteinisches 
Verfassungsprozessrecht, LPS 43 (2007), p. 67 and p. 260 et sqq. 
14 Insofar, the State Court Act of 27 November 2003 did not bring any new innovation as compared to the legal 
situation before (cf. Tobias Michael Wille, Verfassungsprozessrecht, p. 261). 
© Herbert Wille/ Marzell Beck, Liechtenstein und die Europáische Menschenrechtskonvention, in: Verlag der 
Liechtensteinischen Akademischen Gesellschaft (ed.), Liechtenstein in Europa, LPS 10 (Vaduz 1984), p. 248, 
used the term "Übergesetzesrang" (supra-legal status). 
16 Cf. StGH 1995/21, cons. 6.1 - LES 1997, p. 18 (p. 28); see also: Wille, Verfassungsprozessrecht, p. 261. 
" cf. Wolfram Hófling, Menschenrechtskonvention, p. 144. 
?? Cf. Luzius Wildhaber, Erfahrungen mit der Europáischen Menschenrechtskonvention, ZSR 98 II (1979), p. 329 
et sqq., who is for example also referred to by Wille/Beck, Menschenrechtskonvention, p. 248. 
? Martin Batliner, Die politischen Volksrechte im Fürstentum Liechtenstein, Fribourg 1993, p. 162; Hilmar 
Hoch, Verfassung- und Gesetzgebung, in: Batliner (ed.), Die liechtensteinische Verfassung 1921. Elemente der 
staatlichen Organisation, LPS 21 (1994), p. 208 et seq.). 
?? StGH 1995/21, cons. 6.1 - LES 1997, p. 18 (p. 28). 
*! LGBI. 2003 no. 186.


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