Volltext: Rapport national [Englisch]

Schengen acquis 
Liechtenstein is part of the Schengen Area. The Protocol? to the Swiss Association 
Agreement? , - which was entered into for Liechtenstein's accession to the Schengen Treaty 
and entered into force on 7 April 2011 - is an international treaty, which just like the EEAA 
applies directly in Liechtenstein as an agreement under international law. Pursuant to that 
Protocol's Art. 2, the provisions of the Schengen acquis listed in Annex A and Annex B to the 
Association Agreement as they apply to the Member States of the European Union shall be 
implemented and applied by Liechtenstein under the conditions envisaged in these Annexes. 
Furthermore, new acts or measures of the Union must be implemented subject to Art. 5. 
Dublin acquis 
The Dublin/Eurodac acquis entered into force in Liechtenstein on 1 April 201 1.? Pursuant to 
Art. 2 of the respective Protocol, the provisions of the Dublin Regulation and the Eurodac 
Regulation including their implementing Regulations shall be implemented by Liechtenstein 
and applied in its relations with the Member States of the European Union. Furthermore, acts 
or measures amending or building upon that provision shall be applied too (Art. 5). 
The ECHR entered into force in Liechtenstein on 8 September 1982.!! Pursuant to Art. 15 (1) 
of the Gesetz über den Staatsgerichtshof (StGHG, State Court Act), the State Court decides 
on complaints as far as the complaining party asserts that a right of such party guaranteed by 
the Constitution or by international agreements has been violated. These international 
agreements? first and foremost include the ECHR (lit. a)."? 
? See in this context: the Protocol between the European Union, the European Community, the Swiss 
Confederation, and the Principality of Liechtenstein on the accession of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the 
Agreement between the European Union, the European Community, and the Swiss Confederation on the Swiss 
Confederation's association with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis, 
LGBI. 2011 no. 131 (German text). 
? See also in this context: Astrid Epiney/Andrea Egbuna-Joss, Rechtsfragen der Mitwirkung Liechtensteins am 
Schengen-System und an der europáischen Asylpolitik, LIZ 2007, p. 52 — 69 (p. 54). 
!° Protocol between the Swiss Confederation, the European Community and the Principality of Liechtenstein on 
the accession of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the 
European Community on the criteria and procedure for determining the State responsible for examining an 
application for asylum lodged in a member state or in Switzerland, LGBI. 2011 no. 132 (German text). 
!! In detail: Wolfram Hófling, Liechtenstein und die Europáische Menschenrechtskonvention, in: Archiv des 
Vólkerrechts 1998/2, p. 141 et seq. 
? The other international agreements included in Art. 15 (2) StGHG are: 
e the International Covenant of 16 December 1966 on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (lit. b), 
e the International Convention of 21 December 1965 on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial 
Discrimination (lit. c),


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