Volltext: Liechtenstein and the German tax affair:

Phase 1 (01.01 — 13.02.) 
804 4 
404 . UCL-55.0 
rte el ee Lp 
T T T T T 
> S c $ S ® $ 
Sod € D J WodX OX odd d S 
Subsequent phase (01.04. - 01.05.) 
A UCL-102.0 
40 X=38.0 
7 7 7 2 LCL--25.9 
SOS 9° 5 
. Dd A ev 
Number of media reports 
QJ S oF S 
SU. 4 S o. v$ 
$ & + 
Fig. 7: Statistical comparison of media reporting in Phase 1 and Subsequent phase (Source: own compilation) 
6.1 Phase 1 (1.1. - 13.2.2008) - Weak signals? 
In the time period 1.1.-13.2.2008, all relevant articles were selected that show the media 
landscape's "sentiment" and that reflect the issue selection of the media during this period in 
general. The goal was to determine whether expectations of the steps to be taken against 
Liechtenstein could be gleaned from the media during this time period. 
The quantitative development of media reporting on the topic of "Liechtenstein and the tax 
affair" in this time period is shown in the figure above (Fig. 6). While there is no significant 
amount of reporting from 1 January to 13 February, the media reports jump in number starting 
14 February and maintain their intensity until about the end of February. Starting the 
beginning of March, they steadily subside, but stay at a level that is higher overall than before 
the observation period. 
Media sentiment regarding Liechtenstein 
During this time period, the international media only report very sporadically on 
Liechtenstein and only in connection with other reports (e.g. Siemens corruption case). 
In Switzerland, the media increasingly report on the tax dispute with the EU. The relations 
with Germany are not discussed in this regard, even though Germany's expectations are 
outlined. Liechtenstein is only very sporadically perceived by the media in January. No 
increased media interest in Liechtenstein can be ascertained, and no excessively low or high 
level or reporting. The "tax haven" topic is likewise not discussed broadly or commented. In 
connection with ongoing investigations (Siemens, Flowtex, etc.), the model of the 
"Liechtenstein foundation" is mentioned, but not evaluated. However, the multiple 
combination of investigative procedures with Liechtenstein entails that Liechtenstein is 
sometimes linked with catchwords such as "black money" and "concealment". 
The LLB discussion increasingly enhances this trend. The topics of "blackmail" and "data 
theft" are also addresses. But the reports only concern LLB. LGT and Heinrich Kieber are not 
to be found in the reports. 


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