Volltext: Liechtenstein and the German tax affair:

2004 Jun Total revision of the Due Diligence Act 
Financial Market Authority Act 
Jul Introduction of the Liechtenstein brand — nation branding 
Aug Transfer of power to H.S.H. Hereditary Prince Alois von und zu Liechtenstein 
2005 Jan Financial Market Authority begins its work 
Due Diligence Ordinance and 
implementation of the 2* EU Money Laundering Directive 
Jul Entry into force of the EU Savings Tax Directive 
Sep Presentation of the SIL Communication Concept II for the State of Liechtenstein. 
Nov Revision of the Law on Professional Due Diligence in Financial Transactions (Due Diligence Act) 
2006 Jul 200 Years of Sovereignty of the Principality of Liechtenstein 
2007 Feb Adoption of the Tax Road Map by the Government (guidelines and basic ideas for a reform of Liechtenstein 
tax law) 
Jul Value added tax fraud (and thus missing trader fraud) as well as serious customs offenses and smuggling are 
subject to mutual legal assistance 
2008 Feb Signature of the Schengen protocol for Liechtenstein in Brussels 
Mar Entry into force of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (Palermo Convention): 
international cooperation in the fight against crime 
Jun Reform of foundation law decided by Parliament 
Jun Negotiations on conclusion of an Anti-Fraud Agreement with the EU are largely concluded 
Jun Negotiations on Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA) with the United States are constructive 
Tab. 2: Developments in the Liechtenstein financial center 2001-2008 (Source: own compilation) 
5.1.3 New paths in communication 
Against the backdrop of the massive image crisis of the Principality of Liechtenstein at the 
end of the 1990s — CDU donations scandal, money laundering accusations, the partially 
inaccurate BND report on Liechtenstein published in SPIEGEL in November 1999 — 
Liechtenstein began pursuing new paths in communication. In September 2001, the 
Government Spokesperson's Office (SKOE) was created, which in turn initiated the 
establishment of the public-private partnership Image Liechtenstein Foundation (SIL). 
SIL was established on 26 March 2002 with the following purpose: 
"The purpose of the foundation is to carry out and promote all measures serving to improve 
and strengthen Liechtenstein's image and reputation at home and abroad. 
The foundation may engage in all necessary legal transactions and activities to achieve its 
public service." (Image Liechtenstein Foundation 2002, article 4) 
The Image Liechtenstein Foundation, a public-private partnership in accordance with article 
10 of its bylaws, is an active communication platform which coordinates integrated 
communication for the country of Liechtenstein under the direction of the State and to carry 
out such communication itself. Liechtenstein is thus positioning itself not only via its six core 
messages (see below), but also through its form of integrated external communication. 
"The foundation board consists of the chairman and eight members..." (Image Liechtenstein 
Foundation 2002, article 10) 
The chairman is always the incumbent prime minister. Four of the (additional) eight members 
are representatives of the State, more precisely officials in the areas of foreign policy, 
communication, culture, and economic policy. The four remaining members are the presidents 
of the Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), the Liechtenstein Bankers 


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