Volltext: Liechtenstein and the German tax affair:

In a dispute within the social communication of society — and increasingly also between states 
— the various interests of these groups then surface in the form of issues. These issues in turn 
compete for attention of the public, in the media, and among political decision-makers [...] 
and must therefore be reduced in terms of complexity, in order to have a better chance of 
being asserted. This reduction of complexity [...] concerns individual 1ssues as well as the 
entire issue structure. The question of which problems receive attention has an influence on 
the distribution of resources in society; in the case of transnational 1ssues, in two societies and 
in international organizations. 
Precisely this process will be analyzed using the concrete example of the tax affair. 
The model of social framing of issues identifies the involved actors and describes the general 
functions and processes (see Fig. 3). 
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Fig. 3: À social model of framing of issues (Source: Eichhorn 2005, 153) 


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