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Dan Michman 
approach to the Jewish question, at least as from 1936, was Hermann 
Goring.®® An examination of the first years of the Nazi regime reveals 
that the general situation of the Jews escalated constantly, but also that 
policies still clang to parameters of traditional antisemitism. 
The predominance of the economic approach in the Nazi sought- 
after goal of Entfernung der Juden überhaupt ended at the end of 1938. 
The notorious and so extremely important meeting at Göring’s office on 
November 12, 1938, two days after Reichskristallnacht, is an important 
moment in that respect. The meeting was convened upon Hitler’s order 
to have “die Judenfrage jetzt einheitlich zusammengefaßt” (the Jewish 
Question [...] to be summed up and coordinated once and for all) and 
“die entscheidenden Schritte zentral zusammenzufassen” (the decisive 
steps outlined in a coordinated way). At the opening of that meeting 
Göring stated that “das Problem in der Hauptsache ein umfangreiches 
wirtschaftliches Problem ist” (the problem is in the main a large-scale 
economic matter), that means that the economic aspect was the predom- 
inant one. But later on in the meeting Heydrich responded to that view 
by saying that “Bez allem Herausnehmen des Juden aus dem Wirtschafts- 
leben bleibt das Grundproblem letzten Endes doch immer, daß der Jude 
aus Deutschland herauskommt” (After all the elimination of the Jew 
from economic life, in the end there is still always the basic problem of 
getting the Jew out of Germany). 
From this moment on it becomes clear, that a more radical 
approach, which interpreted total removal essentially as ridding Ger- 
many from the presence of the physical Jews in its landscape — which 
was represented by the SS and Police apparatus, on this occasion 
through Heydrich’s person — gained predominance.” Removing Jews 
from German territory meant at that moment forced emigration, or in 
other words: expulsion; later on, with the expansion of German rule in 
60 Knopp, Goring; Fest, Hermann Göring. 
61  “Stenographische Niederschrift von einem Teil der Besprechung iiber die Juden- 
frage unter Vorsitz von Feldmarschall Goring in RLA [Reichsluftamt] am 12. No- 
vember 1938, 11 Uhr”, in: Der Prozess gegen die Hauptkriegsverbrecher vor dem 
Internationalen Militirtribunal [IMT], Bd. XXVIII (Nürnberg 1948), 816-PS, 
pp. 499, 533. 
62 Kershaw, Adolf Hitler und die Realisierung der nationalsozialistischen Rassenuto- 
pie, p. 139. 


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