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Dan Michman 
broad variety of countries, which in turn led to the establishment of a 
series of historians’ inquiry committees” — all attracted new and more 
focused interest in the anti-Jewish economic practices of the Third Reich 
and its allies and collaborators. This research benefited, of course, from 
the opening of many archives in the former communist countries in 
Eastern Europe, and also from the internationalization of research on 
the Shoah, which broke through linguistic boundaries which had hith- 
erto a restraining impact.” 
Analytical Conceptualizations of the Place 
of Economic Persecution within the Overall 
Framework of Nazi Anti-Jewish Policies 
The “how” aspect, which — as said above — has been central to research 
on issues of economic persecution is undoubtedly of essential impor- 
tance, and provides the basis without which a broader analysis cannot be 
done. It is also a reasonable result of the extensive documentation at 
hand in a variety of archives, from the top to the local levels. Yet it leaves 
the conceptual question of the place and role of Nazi economic persecu- 
tions of the Jews within the broader anti-Jewish enterprise open: were 
these persecutions unique or different in any way from the economic 
persecution of other groups by Nazi Germany and from economic per- 
secution of Jews by other European antisemitic regimes at the time (such 
as Slovakia, Romania, Hungary)? Moreover, were there any fundamen- 
tal changes and shifts in the place of economic persecution in the overall 
picture of Nazi antisemitic policies during the twelve-year existence of 
the Third Reich? 
Regarding this question, Avraham Barkai’s studies were of special 
importance. Barkai emphasized that Nazi economic thinking was eclectic, 
but its major features were anti-liberalism and anti-communism. It had 
absorbed a tradition of wilkisch-etatistic and anti-liberal and capitalist 
32 See Barkan, The Guilt of Nations; Marrus, Some Measure of Justice; Diner/ Wyn- 
berg (eds.), Restitution and Memory; Dean, Robbing the Jews; Beker (ed.), The 
Plunder of Jewish Property During the Holocaust. 
33 Michman, Holocaust Historiography, pp. 357-388. 


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