Volltext: Very small countries: economic success against all odds

3.2.5Per capita income and government size59 3.2.6Country size represented by GNP61 3.2.7Multiple regressions with politics and geography63 3.3Summary of empirical results on country size and public sector size65 4.Very small countries: organizational choice and international outsourcing69 4.1Organizational forms of public good provision: a positive approach70 4.1.1Spatial and national characteristics73 4.1.2Competition and participation rights75 rights75 competition76 and VSC76 4.2Very small countries and organizational choice: a normative theory78 4.2.1Criteria of evaluation for organizational choice78 and economies of scale79 adequacy80 possible criteria82 4.2.2Comparison of institutional or organizational forms83 4.2.3Theoretical predictions for the organizational choice85 4.3Organizational choice: theoretical expectations versus reality89 4.3.1Theoretical expectations versus reality – monetary system90 4.3.2Theoretical expectations versus reality – defense94 4.3.3Theoretical expectations versus reality – universities95 4.3.4Theoretical expectations versus reality – airports97 4.3.5Theoretical expectations versus reality – railways99 4.3.6Theoretical expectations versus reality – government levels102 4.3.7Theoretical expectations versus reality – foreign policy104 4.3.8Theoretical expectations versus reality – health systems109 4.3.9Theoretical expectations versus reality – political system116 4.4The extent and structure of international outsourcing in very small countries119 8


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