Volltext: Very small countries: economic success against all odds

Table A.12: Theoretical expectations versus reality – party system Party systemCosts VSC: not clearCost diff. between       CountryParty systemNo. o. par. ch.       Andorra> 3 parties1   Antigua a. Barbuda2 big parties2     Bahamas2 parties2       Barbados2 big parties2     Belize2 parties2     BruneiSultan; party ban1   Dominica3 parties1   Grenada> 3 parties2     Iceland> 3 parties1   Liechtenstein2 big parties1 Luxembourg> 3 parties1   Malta2 parties1   Micronesiano parties1 Monaco1 party1   Nauruno parties1 Palauno parties2   San Marino> 3 parties1   Seychelles1 big party1   St. Kitts a. Nevis> 3 parties1     St. Lucia1 big party2     St. Vincent a. t. Grenadines2 big parties1   Abbreviations: diff. = difference; expect. = expectation; N. o. par. ch. = Number of parliament chambers; Memb. = Members; chamb. = chamber; p. = party; o. = of. Sources: http://www.emulateme.com/content/[COUNTRYNAME].htm as of 02/09/00; http://www.agora.stm.it/elections/[COUNTRYNAME].htm as of 02/09/00 Note that data in Table A.13 is subject to frequent changes and should, therefore, be viewed as tentative evidence. Current data is available at the web-sites listed here.


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