Volltext: Very small countries: economic success against all odds

    VSC and FPUBL: 3 unitsaTheoretical expect.: int. outsourcing  Actual provisionRemarksExp. fulf. Universitat d’Andorrano full university; mainly served + by France a. Spain   no university+ no university+ University of the West Indies – other locations: Mona, Jamaica, and – Cave Hill Campus at St. Augustine, Trinidad;  5 faculties St. Michael (est. 1963) University of Belize (est. 2000)two campuses; amalgamation of + existing tertiary education institutions University of Brunei 6 faculties, 1200 students+ Darussalam (est. 1985) Ross Universityno full university; only medicine+ St. George’s Universityno full university; second campus + in St. Vincent a. t. Grenadines University of Iceland (est. 1911)9 faculties, 6000 students- no universitymainly served by Austria, + Germany and Switzerland Sacred Heart Universitymainly MBA program; not + a full university University of Malta (est. 1592)10 faculties, 7000 students– no university+ University of Southern Europeprivate university+  no universityserved by the University of South + Pacific, Fiji  no university+  L'Università degli Studi della no full university+ Repubblica di San Marino  no university+     Berne Universityno full university+  no university+     St. George’s Universityno full university; second+ campus in Grenada http://www.andorra.ad/uda (Andorra), http://www.uwichill.edu.bb (Barbados), http://www.ucb.edu.bz (Belize), http://www.ubd.edu.bn (Brunei), http://www.rossmed.edu (Dominica), http://www.sgu.edu (Grenada, St. Vincent a. t. Grenadines), http://www.hi.is (Iceland), http://www.shu.lu (Luxembourg), http://www.um.edu.mt (Malta), http://www.unirsm.sm (San Marino), http://www.berne.edu (St. Kitts a. Nevis).


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