Volltext: Very small countries: economic success against all odds

Capital Andorra la Vella St. John’s Nassau Bridgetown Belmopan Bandar Seri Begawan Roseau St. George’s Reykjavik Vaduz Luxembourg Valletta Palikir Monaco no capital Koror San Marino Victoria Basseterre Castries KingstownGovernment 
type principality parliamentary monarchy (Commonwealth) parliamentary monarchy (Commonwealth) parliamentary monarchy (Commonwealth) parliamentary monarchy (Commonwealth) Islamic monarchy (Commonwealth) republic (Commonwealth) parliamentary monarchy (Commonwealth) republic principality parliamentary monarchy (grand duchy) republic (Commonwealth) federal republic principality republic (Commonwealth) presidential republic republic presidential republic (Commonwealth) parliamentary monarchy (Commonwealth) parliamentary monarchy (Commonwealth) parliamentary monarchy (Commonwealth)OfficialName 
Principality of Andorra Antigua and Barbuda Commonwealth of The Bahamas Barbados Belize Brunei Darussalam Commonwealth of Dominica State of Grenada Republic of Iceland Principality of Liechtenstein Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Republic of Malta Federated States of Micronesia Principality of Monaco Republic of Nauru Republic of Palau Republic of San Marino Republic of Seychelles Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesInd. 
Date 1278 1981 1973 1966 1981 1984 1978 1974 1944 1806 1839 1964 1986 1419 1968 1994 301 1976 1983 1979 1979 Abbreviations: Pop. = Population; Locat. = Geographic Location; Ind. = Independence; n.a. = not available. Sources: Baratta (1999), figures mainly for 1996; http://www.emulateme.com/content/[COUNTRYNAME].htm as of 02/09/00.


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