Volltext: Very small countries: economic success against all odds

Variable Ratio of real government consumption expenditure to real GDP 1993–1997 (in % of GDP) Population density (pop/area) Log of population 1996 Urbanization ratio 1997 (in %) Dummy for Latin American countries Dummy for OECD countries Dummy for Sub-Saharan African countries Dummy for Asian countries Dummy for remoteness Index of freedom (1–7) Index of political stability Log per capita income 1996 Log income 
goco9397 popdens logpop96 urbratio laamd oecdd africad asiad remoted freedom polstab lognpc96 lognp96 
Table A.3: Variables, abbreviations, sources and standard statistics Abbreviations: Abbr. = Abbreviations; No. = Number; Obs. = Observations; St. dev. = Standard 
deviation. GOCOLOG-FREE-RE- –9397POP96DOMMOTEDLAAM GOCO93971.000 LOGPOP96–.3111.000 FREEDOM–.496.3361.000 REMOTED–.155–.404–.1541.000 LAAM–.308–.221–.007.2031.000 OECD.488–.129–.661–.025–.436 SSAFR–.110.091.431–.128–.213 ASIA–.367.376.234–.008–.263 URBRATIO.322–.321–.496–.063.247 POPDENS–.170–.130.128–.022–.126 POLSTAB.248–.274–.370.035–.219 LOGNPC96.487–.305–.750–.034–.155 
Table A.4: Pairwise correlations (Pearson)


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