Volltext: Very small countries: economic success against all odds

Table A.1: Common definitions of smallness of countries 1. Size variables Indicator –number of inhabitants –area –economic size or development status –different kinds of independence –multi-dimensional approaches (composite indices of size) –international recogni - tion (official and de facto)Exact 
definition (cut-off point) –100,000 inhabitants –150,000 inhabitants –300,000 inhabitants –1,000,000 inhabitants –total area –habitable or cultivated land –GDP or GNP –per capita GDP legal, cultural and eco- nomic «independence» –coefficients (mostly inhabitants, area and GNP) –Cluster analyses degree of participation in international politics (and 
Hutchins et. al (1948); printed in Erhardt (1970) De Smith (1970) Blair (1968), Erhardt (1970), Plischke (1977) Rapaport et al. (1971), Mendelson (1972), Gunter (1977) Lloyd and Sundrum (1982) Olafsson (1998) Jalan (1982), Waschkuhn (1991) Rapaport et al. (1971), Gstöhl (1989) Erhardt (1970) – in com- bination with the number of inhabitants; Riklin (1993)


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