Volltext: Is there anything special about Liechtenstein's national economy?

A major part of Liechtenstein s industrial enterprises are family companies with their 
head offices in the country. This, for example, applies to Liechtenstein's largest 
company which alone has more than 1,000 employees. One of the strong points of 
the industry is that its foreign branches have twice as many employees as its offices 
in Liechtenstein. This is, in part, due to marketing, but mainly due to the difficulty of 
finding labour in Liechtenstein. 
Now anal importance is: attached. t0. the. service. sector va 
Here again there is a broad range of public, commercial, technical and cultural 
services. The tourist industry and catering trade are not as important as they are 
believed to be. This branch of industry only accounts for 4 % of the country's total 
jobs. Tourist statistics indicate the relatively low figures of 60,000 visitors and 
120 000 overnight stays. 
The banking sector is, however, more important, accounting for about 7 % of total 
employment. Just as much jobs can be found in the wholesale and retail trade. And 
the largest branch of industry in the service sector, with regard to employment, are 
legal and economic consulting services with 8 % of total jobs in Liechtenstein. 
This branch of the financial sector administers the 70,000 registered domiciliary and 
holding companies. More than half of the government's receipts come from this 
branch if we take into account the taxes on income, wage tax and other taxes in 
addition to company taxes. The legal and economic consulting services are naturally 
closely connected to the banking sector. 
As you may know, besides two branches of foreign banks, there are only five 
Liechtenstein banks there, but their balance sheets total 27 billion francs and together 
they have almost double that sum of client assets under administration. 
[n keeping with global developments, the banking sector has undergone profound 
development since the eighties. The balance sheet total has, for example, almost 
tripled in the last ten years. 
3Er. ZWGI 


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