Volltext: The Adoption of Electronic Banking: Evidence from Liechtenstein

The Adoption of Electronic Banking: Evidence from Liechtenstein 
Age pyramid of the dataset 
75 and older 7 
55-64 1 
45-54 - 
25-34 + 
under 154 
3000 2000 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 
Number of clients 
BN Male NEN Female 
Figure 4.2. Population pyramid of the dataset. 
Notes: This figure shows the distribution of male and female clients for each age category. The age 
categories are shown on the y-axis, whereas the number of clients is displayed on the x-axis. 
Source: Own figure, based on the LLB dataset. 
with our first hypothesis that males are more likely to adopt e-banking. 
Municipality The following paragraph provides information about the client’s distribution across 
the municipalities in the sample. One can find a comparison between the number of clients and 
number of citizens in table 4.2. On a percentage base, the differences are very small, which means 
that the sample represents the whole population quite well. There are only 3 municipalities, which 
show a difference of more than one percentage between the sample and the population. In two 
of those cases this is due to a different categorisation in the sample and the population. The 
differences in the two municipalities of Eschen and Mauren can be explained by the omission of 
two small municipalities - Nendeln and Schaanwald - in the source of our population figures. This 
suggests, that these citizens have been subsumed to either Eschen or Mauren. This leaves us with 
only one municipality where the sample differs more than one percentage from the population - 
Balzers. All in all, it is fair to say that the sample matches the population substantially, at least 
with regard to the distribution of the citizens in each municipality. 
Municipality and Electronic Banking Adoption With regard to the municipalities and our 
outcome variable it is of interest to see whether the adoption is lower in municipalities with a bank 
branch compared to the others. This would correspond to our hypothesis that larger distances to 
a bank branch are positively correlated with electronic banking adoption. As we have seen before, 
the overall fraction of e-banking adopters is 49.09%. Compared to this benchmark two of the three 
municipalities featuring a bank branch show a lower proportion. With Vaduz and Balzers showing 
University of St.Gallen 17


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