Volltext: How do states without defence forces defend themselves?

anywhere in the United States‘. 
The model of ceding defence to a major power does come with some problems. The first 
problem is the nature of the threat posed to the small state and the capacity of the patron state 
to deal with it. In the case of the Compact States the risk of military invasion is low and the 
capacity of the US as patron to repel and defeat any such attack is high. However the biggest 
threat to the Compact States comes not in the form of an invasion force but in the form of 
threats such as illegal, unregulated or unreported fishing and transnational crime''?. These 
issues, in large part, fall outside the scope of the Compact Arrangements. This means that 
while the US navy has free right of passage and operation in the waters of the Compact States 
they are ill equipped and not resourced to conduct fisheries or policing patrols. The US agency 
best equipped to undertake this kind of activity is the US Coast Guard which does not have the 
authority under the Compact arrangements to operate in the waters of the Compact States or 
enforce their laws. In this instance all three compact states have turned to Australia who have 
provided Patrol Boats and advisers under the Pacific Patrol Boat Program''*. 
Perceived inaction on these matters as well as issues such as environmental clean up from 
nuclear testing and the general levels of funding and services to be provided by the Compact 
has created tense relationships between the US and the Compact States'‘*. The Compacts 
were renewed with some amendments in 2003 for another 20 years so that in 2023 the 
Compact States, as sovereign entities, are entitled to review the nature of any new Compact 
agreement proposed by the United States and make sovereign decisions on whether that 
represents the best deal for their states. Likewise the United States can make a determination 
that a Compact of Free Association is no longer in its interests and reduce or eliminate the 
This variable approach where renegotiation and reassessment is part of the process allows for 
"2 Compact States Military Recruitment and Casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan 
https: //mww.csmonitor.com/\World/Asia-Pacific/2010/0505/Uncle-Sam-wants-Micronesians-for- 
"> UNODC, Transnational Crime in the South Pacific: A Threat Assessment 2016, 
https://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific/Publications/2016/2016.09.16 TOC 
TA Pacific web.pdf 
''^ Anthony Bergin and Sam Bateman, Law and Order at Sea and the contribution of the 
Pacific Patrol Boat Project, Ocean and Coastal Management (Vol.42, 1999), 555-568. 
"1% FSM discontent with Compact http://www.guampdn.com/story/news/2015/12/03/fsm-seeks- 
"8 Robert A. Underwood, The Amended US Compacts of Free Association with the 
Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of Marshall Islands: Less Free, More 
Compact, East West Centre Working Papers, (Pacific Islands Development Series, No. 16, 
September 2003), 10-12. 


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