Volltext: How do states without defence forces defend themselves?

array of complex capabilities??. This is also the approach to external defence taken by Latin 
American countries where few alliances exist and forces are developed to deal with an attack 
by immediate neighbours as is the case in Chile, Argentina and Brazil. 
The second way is to be a deterrent force that may be capable of being defeated by likely 
adversaries but at such a considerable cost so as to not be worthwhile. This is an approach 
taken by smaller non-aligned countries like Finland and Switzerland where large conscript 
based militia forces can mobilise in the event of crisis and inflict significant losses and 
casualties on an aggressor. Finland used this strategy to avoid annexation by the Soviet Union 
in the Winter and Continuation Wars of the 1940s?". Switzerland mobilized its forces during the 
Second World War and despite Hitler having a plan for the conquest of Switzerland called 
Operation Tannenbaum it was never implemented, in part because the scale of 11 German 
Divisions it would take would be too large an undertaking given Germany's other commitments 
at the time”. 
The third way is to be a contributing force that provides capabilities as part of a collective 
security arrangement. This is the approach taken by NATO countries and those in alliance 
relationships with the United States like South Korea, Japan and Australia. This is also the case 
for smaller regional security arrangements such as the Regional Security System in the 
Caribbean where small states pool small military resources to create a force capable of 
meeting the low-level threats that the region presents. 
Naturally there are also combinations of the above with the US, UK and France being capable 
of fighting alone but they are also a part of NATO and possess nuclear deterrent capabilities. 
Estonia and Norway maintain a strategy of militia-based conventional deterrence within the 
framework of the NATO alliance. 
Each state will make assessments around the nature of the threat posed to it and the tools that 
are available to defend against that threat. The relationship between military activity and 
6 Mary Kaldor and Joseph E. Stiglitz, Protection Without Protectionism and the Challenge 
of Global Governance, in Joseph E. Stiglitz and Mary Kaldor (eds.), The Quest for Security: 
Protection Without Protectionism and the Challenge of Global Governance, (New York: 
Columbia University Press, 2013), 3-4. 
2" Colin S. Gray, War, Peace and International Relations, (Abingdon: Routledge, 2007), 147- 
?? Vagts, Detlev F. "Switzerland, International Law and World War Il." The American Journal 
of International Law 91, no. 3 (1997), 467-469. 
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