Volltext: Organisational culture

ADS a EEE 2 
Author’s NOTE! EEE 2 
INtroduCtiON MEM 3 
Setting the context — a comparison of two different Countries cocci 3 
Defining organisational CUItUre esse EEE eee eee eee eee 3 
Organisational culture IN AUSTIalia..... ouverte 4 
Organisational culture in LIeChTeNSTOIN......ooii ieee eee eee eee 5 
Conclusion and lessons learned ..........ssssssssssssseeeeeeeeee eene serrer eee ee eee eee eee ae 6 
Appendix 1 — A comparison between Australia and Liechtenstein cer enrennes 9 
Appendix 2 — Map of Central Europe and location of Liechtenstein... 10 
Figures and Tables: 
Table 1 - Explaining the elements of organisational culture..............ssssssssse en 3 
Table 2 - Grid Group Cultural Model — adapted from Douglas (2007) are nne 4 
Table 3 - Comparison between Australia and Liechtenstein e ere cnne caserne 9 
Figure 1 - Map showing the location of Liechtenstein cc... 10 
Organisational Culture — a contrast between Australia and Liechtenstein Page 1 


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