Volltext: Geschichte erforschen - Geschichte vermitteln

Dan Michman 
Barkai, Avraham: Ausgrenzung und ‘Arisierung’ im Vorfeld der ‘Endlésung’, in: Arno 
Herzig/ Karl Teppe/ Andreas Determann (eds.), Verdringung und Vernichtung der Ju- 
den in Westfalen, Miinster 1994, pp. 115-124. 
Barkai, Avraham: Die deutschen Unternehmer und die Judenpolitik im Dritten Reich, in: 
Ursula Biittner (ed.), Die Deutschen und die Judenverfolgung, Frankfurt am Main 
1992, pp. 247-272. 
Barkai, Avraham: From Boycott to Annihilation. The Economic Struggle of German Jews, 
1933-1943, Hanover / London 1989. 
Barkai, Avraham: Vom Boykott zur ‘Entjudung’. Der wissenschaftliche Existenzkampf der 
Juden im Dritten Reich 1933-1945, Frankfurt am Main 1988. 
Barkai, Avraham: Das Wirtschaftssystem des Natonalsozialismus. Der historische und 
ideologische Hintergrund 1933-1936, Kéln 1977; Hebrew amended edition: Hakalkala 
Hanatzit, Tel Aviv 1986. 
Barkan, Elazar: The Guilt of Nations: Restitution and Negotiating Historical Injustices, 
New York 2000. 
Barkow, Ben: Alfred Wiener and the Making of the Holocaust Library, London/ Portland 
Bauer, Yehuda: A History of the Holocaust, New York [1982]. 
Bauer, Yehuda: My Brother’s Keeper. A History of the American Jewish Joint Distribution 
Committee 1929-1939, Philadelphia 1974. 
Bauman, Zygmunt: Modernity and the Holocaust, Ithaca, NY 1993 (first edition: 1989). 
Beker, Avi (ed.): The Plunder of Jewish Property During the Holocaust. Confronting 
European History, Basingstoke 2001. 
Berg, Nicolas: Luftmenschen. Zur Geschichte einer Metapher, Gottingen 22014. 
Browning, Christopher R.: The Nazi Empire, in: Donald Bloxham / A. Dirk Moses (eds.), 
The Oxford Handbook of Genocide Studies, Oxford 2010, pp. 407-425. 
Cesarani, David: Final Solution. The Fate of the Jews 1933-49, London 2016. 
Cohen, Boaz: Dr. Jacob Robinson, the Institute of Jewish Affairs and the Elusive Jewish 
Voice in Nuremberg, in: David Bankier /Dan Michman (eds.), Holocaust and Justice. 
Representation and Historiography of the Holocaust in Post-War Trials, Jerusalem 
2010, pp. 84-87. 
Dawidowicz, Lucy: The War Against the Jews 1933-1945, New York 1975. 
Dean, Martin: Robbing the Jews. The Confiscation of Jewish Property in the Holocaust, 
1933-1945, New York 2008. 
Diner, Dan/ Wynberg, Gotthard (eds.): Restitution and Memory. Material Restoration in 
Europe, New York/ Cambridge 2009. 
Eck, Nathan: The Holocaust of the Jewish People in Europe, [Tel Aviv] 1975 [Hebrew]. 
Engel, David: Facing a Holocaust. The Polish Government-in-Exile and the Jews 
1943-1945, Chapel Hill 1993. 
Feldman, Gerald: Allianz and the German Insurance Business, 1933-1945, New York 


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