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Dan Michman 
Aryanization, which was a major facet of this campaign both in Ger- 
many and in the occupied countries, raises a principle question: if Jews 
as Volksfremde had improperly taken their wealth from the Volkseigen- 
tum, the state as an institution could have decided, for instance, to con- 
tiscate Jewish property and financial assets. And yet, Aryanization was 
on the one hand a way to transfer belongings of private Jews to private 
Aryans (which indeed activated among individual Germans — and later 
also among non-Germans in occupied countries — the human character- 
istic of greed, thus causing lots of people to embark on prey-journeys); 
on the other hand, it was a process directed against the Jews as a collec- 
tive, without exceptions. When looking upon those aspects as being two 
sides of the coin it turns clear that each Jewish individual was perceived 
as being the incarnation of some much larger Jewish threat. Beyond 
Aryanization, the comprehensive campaign to eject Jews from their 
positions in any economic institution, organization, enterprise or forum 
— whether big, middle-sized or miniscule — also indicates that there was 
an obsession to exclude Jews not just from society but from any influ- 
ence on German economic conduct, for example economic thought and 
behavior. Additionally, of importance is also the fact that economic 
persecution of the Jews started at the very first moment after Hitler's 
ascendance to power in January 1933 and lasted ull even after their 
deportation* and death (because their money and belongings, and even 
parts of their bodies such as hair, were taken from them shortly before 
or after being murdered)* and dll the last moments of the Reich’s exis- 
tence. That means that this was not one stage in a developing consecu- 
of Economics and the Expulsion of the Jews from the German Economy, p. 215. See 
also his comprehensive study: Fischer, Hjalmar Schacht und Deutschlands “Juden- 
44 For understanding this aspect, one should just follow on the one hand the ousting 
process of individual Jews (which was often done in an apparently “polite” yet 
assertive mode; see for instance Barkai, Oscar Wassermann und die Deutsche Bank, 
pp. 92-102), and the many grassroots instances where groups of Jews were expelled 
from a certain sector, as is demonstrated by the example of the German Council of 
Municipalities, which coordinated “initiatives to chase Jewish merchants from town 
markets even before Reich laws to this effect were enacted” (the conclusion of 
Gruner, Der Deutsche Gemeindetag und die Koordinierung antijiidischer Kommu- 
45 Scheren, Aryanization, Market Vendors, and Peddlers in Amsterdam. 
46 Kempner, Eichmann und Komplizen, chapter 21. 


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