Volltext: Der Stellenwert des öffentlichen Bibliothekswesens in den Zwergstaaten Europas

(i) to perform such other functions as may from time to time be assigned to it by the Minister. 
6. (1) There shall be a National Librarian and two Deputy Librarians, one for the National 
Library and one for the Public Libraries, who shall be persons with a relevant higher education 
qualification and recognised competence and reputation in the domain of libraries, and who 
shall be appointed by the Minister, following consultation with the Council, for a period of three 
years under such terms and conditions as is established in the letter of appointment. On the 
expiry of the term such persons may be reappointed for a further term or terms of three years: 
Provided that the National Librarian shall have a higher education qualification in the domain of 
libraries: Provided further that the first appointment of National Librarian and Deputy 
Librarians shall be made by the Minister for an initial period of three years. 
(2) The legal and judicial representation of the Malta Libraries shall vest in the National 
Librarian provided that the National Librarian may appoint any one or more of the officers or 
of the Malta Libraries, to appear in his name and on his behalf in any judicial proceedings and 
on any act, contract, instrument or other document whatsoever. 
7. (1) The National Librarian shall be the chief executive officer of the Malta Libraries, and he 
shall be the keeper of books, documents, manuscripts, publications, records, works and other 
materials, regardless of form or medium, conserved in the libraries. 
The National Librarian shall: 
(a) assume full responsibility for the administration and organization and the administrative 
control of the officers and employees of the Malta Libraries and for such purpose assign to each 
officer or employee such duties as may be required; 
(b) develop the necessary strategies for the implementation of the objectives of the Malta 
(c) advise the Minister and the Council on any matter they may refer to him or on any matter 
which he considers necessary or expedient; 
(d) regulate and generally supervise the work of the libraries and of the library services in 
general in accordance with international requirements and standards; 
(e) ensure that all laws related to copyright and dissemination of information are duly respected; 
(f) liaise with other public bodies concerning the supply of data and the coordination of 
activities with library implications; 
(g) on the advice of the Council, and with the approval of the Minister, dispose of records in his 
custody which do not warrant preservation by the Malta Libraries; 
(h) enter into arrangements with other institutions for the joint management or conservation or 
restoration of libraries or library material, and for the provision of reprographic or other 
technical facilities; 
(1) keep updated with international library developments through following the published 
literature, attendance of relevant conferences, training sessions and workshops and networking 
with peers to transmit such knowledge to own Malta Libraries staff and the local library 
community and translate such knowledge into ideas and projects that further improve the Malta 
Libraries; and 
(j) perform such other duties as the Minister may assign to him from time to time. 


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