Volltext: Vorbereitungen zu einer Ausarbeitung des Sammelauftrages der Liechtensteinischen Landesbibliothek

Masterarbeit Beat Vogt 
for using and preserving the publication” 
http://www.llgc.org.uk/index.php?id=6193 [27.10.2013]. 
Active and | Onlypas- | Creatinga | Comments 
passive sive Copy in the 
Collection | Collection | catalogues 
Websites published by organisations x No. 
Certain types of content are excluded (...) containing personal data on social 
networking sites and content published before the regulations were made" * 
(section 4.5), p. 10. 
Some social networking content and blogs may play an important part in 
recording our national heritage. For example, many public sector organisa- 
33 tions and broadcasters now have blogs and social networking presences. 
Open blogs and ‘tweets’ etc. by prominent public figures, social commenta- 
tors and businesses may provide a similar function to traditional news re- 
leases. Blogs by members of the public may also prove to be valuable re- 
search material in the future; for example they may be related to events of 
national significance, or may help a researcher assess social attitudes over a 
period of time” * (section 6.4), p. 17. 
34 blogs 
Websites: public, shared (e.g. Wikipe- „Where the demarcation of “same relevant material” is not immediately 
dia- articles apparent, the deposit libraries will construe it as the file or group of files 
needed to communicate a particular subject matter in a complete, cohesive 
and intelligible way, subject to a technical means of delineating this. For 
web-based material, this would normally mean the web page (such as a news 
3.5 article) that would be displayed when the user follows a link or enters a 
URL. This would include embedded ("transcluded") content that displays 
within the same tab or window as its contextual material. But an embedded 
or linked file whose content, when opened, displays in a separate tab or win- 
dow would normally be treated as a separate item" 
http://www llgc org.uk/index php?id=6197 [27.10.2013]. 
Newsletters X „material available via download” 
36 http://www .llgc.org.uk/index.php?id-6182 [27.10.2013]. 
Further questions: 
a. | Do your collecting procedures concern the whole production of litera- x À person who publishes in the United Kingdom a work" ** 1.1 (page 1). 
ture within vour geographical area? 
b. | Do your collecting procedures also concern authors, who do not live in 
your geographical area, but have your citizenship? 


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