Volltext: Vorbereitungen zu einer Ausarbeitung des Sammelauftrages der Liechtensteinischen Landesbibliothek

Masterarbeit Beat Vogt 
Further questions: 
a. | Do your collecting procedures concern the whole production x „published in Malta" Article 7 (2) (b)* 
of literature within your geographical area? "The term *melitensia' refers to works written by Maltese nationals published in 
Malta or abroad, as well as works that are about the Maltese Islands written by for- 
eign authors. The National Library ‘melitensia’ collection comprises published mate- 
rial in the form of books, pamphlets, newspapers, journals and single-sheet items — 
as well as audio and visual recordings — by Maltese authors, or on any subject related 
to the Maltese Islands" 
https://www.education. gov.mt/Page.aspx?pid=72 1 &depid=12&pageid=59 
b. | Do you also collect foreign productions dealing about your x „or about Malta, or in the Maltese language, or about any aspect of Maltese studies 
geographical area? by any author, wherever they are published" Article 7 (2) (b)* 
„Publikationen über Malta“ page 3** 
c. | Do your collecting procedures also concern authors, who do x or by Maltese authors” Article 7 (2) (b)* 
not live in your geographical area, but have your citizenship? „im Ausland erschienene Werke von Maltesern“ page 3** 
d. | Do you also collect foreign productions dealing about your x „or about Malta, or in the Maltese language, or about any aspect of Maltese studies 
geographical area? by any author, wherever they are published" Article 7 (2) (b)* 
„Publikationen über Malta“ page 3** 
e. | Are only certain formats stored? 
Are formats standardized? 
g. | Is there a minimum length (pages, lines or words) in a text to There is an information about the Malta National Bibliography: „Included are all 
make it collectable? books and pamphlets with eight pages or more of text” 
https://www.education. gov.mt/Page.aspx?pid=693 &depid=12&pageid=59 
h. | How many copies must be deposited? 1 „The publisher of every publication printed or 
published in Malta shall immediately before such document is made available to the 
public, deliver free of charge one copy of such publication to the depository librar- 
ies" Article 10 (1)* 
two free copies of each of their publications, one at the National Library of Malta 
and the other at the Gozo Public Library” 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National Library of Malta [21.10.2013]. 
in accordance with the Legal Deposit act which stipulates that two copies of all 
works published in Malta are to be deposited at the National Library of Malta and the 
Gozo Public Library” 
https://www education. gov.mt/Page.aspx?pid=693&depid=12&pageid=59 


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