Volltext: Vorbereitungen zu einer Ausarbeitung des Sammelauftrages der Liechtensteinischen Landesbibliothek

Masterarbeit Beat Vogt 
1.1.3. Handhabung von Sammelgut in der Isländischen Nationalbibliothek 
Please mark X where appropriate. 
Comments from Iceland are in red 
'Active Collection' means that the library requests the publications. 
"Passive Collection' means that the library receives the publications, even if delivered unrequested. 
Active and Only pas- Creating a Comments 
passive sive copy in the 
Collection Collection es 
Printed books 
Universi A): Bachelor theses 
Universi : master's theses 
Theses (PhD): Dissertations 
Extracts from books 
Extracts from journals 
Extracts from ne 
Book of self. ishing: literature 
Self-published items: groups (e.g. annual reports 
or statutes 
Unpublished works *page 3; 
ivate archives“ ** 5 
Leaflets advertising brochures 4 
Printed icity items advertising brochures 4 
Illustrated publicity items ,Ihe library has the duty to collect and catalog all published 
Icelandic print, electronic and audio material for preservation" 
http://www theeuropeanlibrary.org/tel4/contributor/P01200 
Photos visual materials 4 Photo hs not included 
Handmade pi visual materials 4 Not included 
No i musical co iti There is also a collection of sheet music" 


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