Volltext: The future importance of tax compliant clients

LDF and Swiss-UK Tax Agreement 
1.1.2 Lists of Tax Havens 
The initial list of tax havens created by the OECD was published in 2000." Prior to this, Hines and 
Rice had already published a well-known list of tax havens.'* A consolidated overview of the countries 
mentioned in one or both of these lists is shown in Annex A. 
During the G20 summit in London in April 2009, the countries agreed to create a new tax haven list 
based on three categories. The black list contains countries which do not commit to the standards of 
tax cooperation. This list only includes Costa Rica, Malaysia, Philippines and Uruguay. The grey list 
includes countries that have committed to the standards. The list is separated into tax havens and fi- 
nancial centres. There are thirty countries listed as tax havens and eight as financial centres. Countries 
on the white list have already implemented the OECD standards." The list is shown in table 2 below. 
After the last update in May 2012, only Nauru and Guatemala appeared on the grey list. There have 
not been any countries on the black list since April 2009." 
Table 1 OECD list 2009 
Jurisdictions that have substantially implemented the internationally agreed tax standard 
Argentina Germany Korea Seychelles 
Australia Greece Malta Slovak Republic 
Barbados Guernsey Mauritius South Africa 
Canada Hungary Mexico Spain 
China Iceland Netherlands Sweden 
Cyprus Ireland New Zealand Turkey 
Czech Republic Isle of Man Norway United Arab Emirates 
Denmark Italy Poland United Kingdom 
Finland Japan Portugal United States 
France Jersey Russian Federation US Virgin Islands 
Jurisdictions that have committed to the internationally agreed tax standard, but have not yet 
substantially implemented 
Tax Havens 
Andorra British Virgin Islands Monaco St Vincent & Grena- 
Anguilla Cayman Islands Montserrat dines 
? OECD, 2000, p. 3 & 4. 
^ Hines & Rice, 1994, p.149-182. 
5 OECD, 2009 (1), p. 1. 
^ OECD, 2009 (2). 


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