Volltext: Liechtenstein and the German tax affair:

The position of the Princely House on tax matters and international tax cooperation has long 
been known. Many still recall the following quote of Reigning Prince Hans-Adam II: "I can 
understand refugees from tax deserts, since they are in principle political refugees." 
> Conclusion: Thanks to the clear content and verbal bluntness of his statement in the press 
conference of 19 February 2008, Hereditary Prince Alois for once countered 
the harsh language coming from Germany and subsequently enabled the 
Government to appear moderate and to emphasize the otherwise good 
bilateral relations between Germany and Liechtenstein. 
6.5.6 Different publics in Liechtenstein and in Germany 
For reasons of space and clarity, the actors on both the Liechtenstein and German sides will 
be aggregated at a relatively high level of abstraction. Especially detailed and complex 
particular interests will not be taken into account here. The paper assumes a set of shared 
interests with which the various actors can be aggregated into larger collectives or publics, 
without interfering with the result of this examination. 
The following table again provides an illustrative overview of the various actors and publics 
in Germany and Liechtenstein. Some of the actors within one of the five groups according to 
Eichhorn have totally different interests, depending on the country and system of which they 
are a part. They are therefore not homogeneous, as Eichhorn rightfully assumed within a 
single society. The political actors are a particularly salient example. In other cases, the 
interests within a group are more or less identical even across borders. A representative 
example of this is: members of the public writing letters to the editor, or the bankers 
associations in Switzerland, Germany and Liechtenstein which view investors themselves as 
responsible for the "tax honesty" of the money they invest. 
Actors in Liechtenstein Actors in Germany 
Interest groups / Financial public 
» Liechtenstein Bankers Association, LGT and LLB 
» Liechtenstein Association of Professional Trustees 
Interest groups / Financial public 
» Tax authorities and finance offices 
> Association of German Banks and individual banks 
» German Taxpayers Association (with support by medium-sized 
> German Tax Union 
> Public prosecutors' offices / courts 
Mass media 
> Nationwide print media in Germany 
Mass media 
> Nationwide print media in Germany 
Active audience 
> Legal academics, lawyers 
> Writers of letters to the editor 
Active audience 
» Lawyers, academics 
> Writers of letters to the editor 
» Bavarian data protection commissioner, etc. 
Passive audience 
Passive audience 
Political actors 
» Princely House 
» Government (Prime Minister/Minister of Finance, Deputy 
Prime Minister/Minister of Justice and Economic Affairs) 
> Opposition (Free List) 
Political actors 
> Government (Federal Chancellor, Federal Minister of Finance, 
Federal Minister of the Interior, Federal Foreign Minister) 
> BND 
» Political parties (SPD, CDU, CSU, Greens) 
Tab. 15: Different actors in Germany and Liechtenstein (Source: own illustration) 


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