Volltext: Liechtenstein and the German tax affair:

Media sentiment in Germany 
In Germany during this period, the topics of "manager salaries", "Landesbanken", and "fair 
income distribution" are the focus of media reports. Siemens and other court cases continue to 
be discussed. Additionally, individual cases of tax evasion are mentioned, but not in 
connection with Liechtenstein or foundations. 
The topic of data security and surrender of information ("transparent citizens") also dominates 
the media. No clear expectations can be derived from the media, however. 
Although we do not find any indications of the "Zumwinkel case" or "tax affair" in the media 
reports between 1 January and 13 February 2008 — except for the already mentioned article in 
SPIEGEL on 11 February — knowledge of the accusations made against the Liechtenstein 
financial center, especially with respect to taxes, is not new. Already in the Report and 
Proposal of the Government to the Liechtenstein Parliament on "Liechtenstein's foreign policy 
goals" (Report and Proposal of the Government, No. 62/2007 of 15.5.2007), the Government 
states: "The criticism by some foreign countries against the Liechtenstein financial center will 
likely not subside in the future and will continue to entail political pressure." The 
Liechtenstein ambassador in Berlin, Prince Stefan von und zu Liechtenstein, summed it up in 
an interview (Liechtensteiner Vaterland, 15.3.2008, 9): "It is easier to make the Sahara bloom 
that to improve the image of Liechtenstein. [...] One of the reasons for this difficult task 1s 
frequently a certain arrogance in Germany and a lack of interest in information." Well, one 
positive aspect of the "tax affair" in this regard is certainly that Liechtenstein no longer has to 
complain about lack of interest in information. 
What is striking, however, is that SPIEGEL on 11 February, i.e. three days before 
Zumwinkel's arrest, is already preparing the topic of Liechtenstein, so to speak, with an article 
on Switzerland and LLB ("BLACK MONEY - last payment in Zurich", 44). 
The article does not mention LGT. But this article does describe the attempts of a former bank 
robber trying to blackmail the Liechtensteinische Landesbank (LLB) with account data he 
allegedly received. The article mentions German bank clients who might be distressed by 
these events: "Hundreds of German clients are affected who may have hidden accounts in 
Liechtenstein. [...] His list, or a copy of the document, continues to threaten Liechtenstein 
bank secrecy and the clients whose data it discloses. German tax investigators would very 
much like to have that document." (Italics by the author.) 
Many Swiss media took up this story in the following days and reported on it. 
6.2 Phase 2 (14.2.— 17.2.2008) - The "Zumwinkel affair" 
ZDF and ARD report live already since the early morning hours of /4 February from the 
private home of Klaus Zumwinkel. Immediately after arrival of the investigation authorities, 
online media report on the search and show the first images of the then chairman of Deutsche 
Post at the side of prosecutor Lichtinghagen. By noon, other information is disseminated via 
the media, and the topic of "tax fraud/tax evasion" enters the headlines of the online and 
television media. 


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