Volltext: Liechtenstein - 10 Jahre im EWR

However, it must be recognized that one way of avoiding problems has simply been not at all to extend a disputed piece of legislation across the EEA. Nor is it the case that the particular situation of a small and beautiful EFTA/EEA state may not be put forward – and that with no un certain persistency! – for instance, as regards its labour market or its position as a financial centre. But here, it may be that any non-, or even a delayed extension of the acquis, or one with derogations, could well have negative effects for the operators and that, in particular, on the EFTA/EEA 
side. Success But, even if we take the statistics with a pinch of salt, the results certain- ly are «impressive»: it seems that over 4000 Community acts now apply throughout the EEA: last year, the Joint Committee held 8 meetings and took 181 decisions involving 309 legal acts. On a somewhat less positive note, the EFTA Surveillance Authority, in its annual report for last year, pointed out that Liechtenstein had dropped from 4th to 14th place as re - gards implementing legislation. However, in summary, I think we can safely say that the automatic and manual in our gearbox are in harmony so that the two «sides» of the EEA not only speak with a single voice – per side, but can almost be said to speak with a single voice – «punkt»! So, what I said five years ago – «a couple at peace» – still 
applies. 4. Viagra? But, as in the best of relationships, a certain routine tends to set in. Is it, therefore, the moment for a dose of «Viagra»? As to this, our second point, we need to look at it from different perspectives: in the «blue cor- ner», the «Viagrists» will want to 
«maximize the inventive factor»: in the «red corner», «the leave-me-aloneists» will want to 
«minimize the irri - ta tion factor». What sort of things, then, do the «maximisers» want? Basically, even more involvement, even more of a say in what is going on. 56John Forman


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