Volltext: Very small countries: economic success against all odds

The Author Dr. Martin Kocher, born 1973 in Salzburg, grew up in Altenmarkt/Zau - chen see. Since 1998 he is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Finance, Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck. After his school leav ing exam at Radstadt High School and the study of economics in Inns bruck he received his doctorate at the University of Innsbruck, su- pervised by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manfried Gantner, in February 2002. Re - search visits led him to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston and to the Max-Planck-Institute for the Research into Economic Systems in Jena. His main research interests are very small countries, experimental economics and the evaluation of science. In these areas Martin Kocher has published about 20 scientific contributions and delivered numerous speeches on international conferences. Two of his consultancy reports, which have jointly been written with Prof. Gantner and Mag. Alexander Boor, deal with the labor market of Liechtenstein and with the intro- duction of the heavy goods vehicle duty in Liechtenstein. Currently, Martin Kocher is also affiliated with the Center of Expe - ri mental Economics in Innsbruck and member of the Council of the Austrian College, the organizing committee of the European Forum Alpbach. 246


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