Volltext: Very small countries: economic success against all odds

Table A.10: Theoretical expectations versus reality – defense DefenseCosts VSC: very highCost diff. between       CountryPref. homogen.Theoret. expect.   Andorrahigh (E, F)no army     Antigua a. Barbudahigh (islands)no army Bahamashigh (archipelago)no army       Barbadoshigh (island)no army Belizelow (border conflict with own army         Guatemala) Bruneilow (Spratly Islands conflict withown army           China, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan a. Vietnam) Dominicahigh (island)no army Grenadahigh (island)no army Icelandrelatively high (conflict on no army       Rockall continental shelf with     Denm., Irel. and UK) Liechtensteinhigh (claims of territory in Czech no army     Rep. by the royal family) (A, CH) Luxembourghigh (D, F)no army         Maltarelatively high (discussion on no army           continental shelf with Tun.) Micronesiahigh (archipelago)no army   Monacohigh (F)no army   Naururelatively high (island)no army     Palaurelatively high (archipelago)no army     San Marinohigh (I)no army           Seychellesrelatively high no army     (claims Chagos Arch.) St. Kitts a. N.high (island)no army St. Luciahigh (island)no army         St. Vincent a. t. Grenadineshigh (island)no army amaximum: 5 units; minimum: 0 units. Abbreviations: diff. = difference; Exp., expect. = E(e)xpectation; homogen. = homogeneity; Theoret. = Theoretical; fulf. = fulfilled; Denm. = Denmark; Irel. = Ireland; sec. = security; Arch. = Archipelago; Tun. = Tunesia; N. = Nevis; FY = Financial Year. +: expectation fulfilled; –: expectation not fulfilled. Sources: http://www.emulateme.com/content/[COUNTRYNAME].htm as of 02/09/00; www.nato.org as of 02/02/01.


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