Volltext: Very small countries: economic success against all odds

CountryPopulationGovernment Consumption in % of GDP 1996199319941995 MEXICO9332543011.0311.5610.45 NIGERIA1148153622.857.15n.a. BANGLADESH12302687714.1713.7413.65 JAPAN1258925419.429.549.81 PAKISTAN13489628813.0212.0211.64 RUSSIAN FED.14791083917.4422.4218.86 INDONESIA1949844609.028.117.83 INDIA95499258610.9710.3310.43 CHINA123026877113.0312.7111.26 aGNP and GNP/capita figures are in $ US. Abbreviations: n.a. = not available. Sources: IMF International Financial Statistics and Baratta (1999). We do not consider the U.S.A., because data in the IMF International Financial Statistics on the U.S.A. do not decompose government consumption and government investment.


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