Volltext: Very small countries: economic success against all odds

Very small countries: organizational choice and international outsourcing Table 4.10: Theoretical expectations versus reality – overall health system Health systemCosts VSCCost diff. between VSC and FPUBL   neutral - high–     CountryH. lev. (DALE)GNP/capitaaH. exp./capita                   Andorra10> 965623 Antigua a. Barbuda48738043 Bahamas109> 965622 Barbados53> 312636 Belize94267088 Brunei59> 965632 Domenica26304070 Grenada49314067 Iceland19> 965614 Liechtensteinn.a.> 9656n.a. Luxembourg18> 96565 Malta21933037 Micronesia104192081 Monaco9> 965612 Nauru136n.a.42 Palau112> 312647 San Marino11n.a.21 Seychelles108691052 St. Kitts a. Nevis86626051 St. Lucia54351086 St. Vincent a. t. Grenadines43242090 ain $ US (1997). Note that PPP figures would raise GNP/capita for nearly all VSC. H. lev., H. exp./capita and Ohs. perfor. figures are ranks! Abbreviations: diff. = difference; expect. = expectation; n.a. = not available; H. lev. = Health level; DALE = disabil-ity-adjusted life expectancy; H. exp. = Health expenditure; Ohs. perfor. = Overall health performance; T. h. exp. in % o. GDP = Total health expenditure in % of GDP; Pub. h. exp. in % o. the. = Public health expenditure in % of total health expenditure; Pub. exp. on h. in % of tpe. = Public expenditure on health in % of total public expen-diture. For the definition of variables see WHO (2000). Sources: Baratta (1999), WHO (2000).


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