Volltext: Very small countries: economic success against all odds

Organizational choice: theoretical expectations versus reality Table 4.6: Theoretical expectations versus reality – railway infrastructure RailwaysCosts VSCCost diff. between VSC and FPUBLTheoretical expect. high3 unitsaint. outs. in landlocked countries CountryPref. Theoret.Actual RemarksExp. homogen.expect.provisionfulf. Andorrahighno railway0 km+ Antiguahighno railway77 kmused almost- a. Barbuda(industry!)exclusively for sugarcane Bahamashighno railway0 km+ Barbadoshighno railway0 km+ Belizerelatively lowno railway0 km+ Bruneirelatively lowno railway13 kmprivate line+ Dominicahighno railway0 km+ Grenadahighno railway0 km+ Icelandhighno railway0 km+ Liechtensteinhighno railway18.5 kmowned and+ operated by Austrian Federal Railways Luxembourghighno railway275 km- Maltahighno railway0 km+ Micronesiahighno railway0 km+ Monacohighno railway1.7 km- Naururelatively highno railway3.9 kmfor hauling- (industry!)phosphates Palaurelatively highno railway0 km+ San Marinohighno railway0 km+ Seychellesrelatively highno railway0 km+ St. Kittshighno railway58 kmto serve- a. Nevis(industry!)sugarcane plantations St. Luciahighno railway0 km+ St. Vincent highno railway0 km+ a. t. Grenadines amaximum: 5 units; minimum: 0 units. Abbreviations: diff. = difference; Exp., expect. = E(e)xpectation; homo. = homogeneity; Theoret. = heoretical; fulf. = fulfilled. +: expectation fulfilled; -: expectation not fulfilled. Sources: http://www.emulateme.com/content/[COUNTRYNAME].htm as of 02/09/00.


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