Volltext: Kleinstaat

Daniel Thürer Kleinstaat - Aussenpolitische Aspekte Summary The basic thesis of this paper is that a small State is best protected within a State 
system based on rule of law. For the purpose of analysis four stages of State Integration are distinguished: "UNO 1" (consisting of principles of co-existence such as the principle of sovereignty, non-intervention, etc.), "UNO 2" (basic goals and principles of legitimacy of the international commünity such as the principle of self-determination, the duty to co-operate and to settle international disputes in conformity with the principles of justice, etc.), the supranational communities and the constitutional order of Federal States. Adapted to each system of integration the small State develops specific strategies: Within "UNOl" stability at home and, typically, neutrality in its external relations and within "UNO 2" a constructive policy towards international law and peaceful settlement of disputes. In a supranational Community it will be in the interest of the small State to strengthen the prin­ ciple of (absolute or proportional) equality between Member States. Finally, within a Federal State the protection of the human persons and communities which are the ultimate goal of every legal order has been shifted to the (central) State. 215


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