Volltext: Üsers Liaderbüechle

Michael row the boat 
Mi -chael, row the boat a - shore, Hal-le - 
G D fis _ 
ja, Mi-chael, row the boat a 
DD 4A__D_ 
u — — 
2. /: Michaels boat a gospel boat, Halleluja. :/ 
3. /: Michaels boat a music boat, Halleluja. :/ 
4. /: Gabriel blow the trumpet horn, Halleluja. :/ 
5. /: O you mind your boasting talk, Halleluja. :/ 
6. /: Boasting talk will sink your soul, Halleluja. :/ 
7. |: Brother, lend a helping hand, Halleluja. :/ 
8. /: Sister, help for trim that boat, Halleluja :/ 
9, /: Jordan stream is wide and deep, Halleluja. :/ 
10. /: Jesus stand on t’ other side, Halleluja. :/ 
11. /: Sinner row to save your soul, Halleluja. :/


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