Volltext: Fürstentum Liechtenstein

Paysan de montagne 
Mountain farmer 
Treaties with Switzerland 
A customs union with the Austro-Hungarian Empire lasted from 1852 
to 1918, when that state ceased to exist. On August 2nd 1919 Liechten- 
stein officially ended the union by revoking that treaty. Our government 
then made every effort to adapt the national economy from Austria to 
On 10th of November 1921 a first postal agreement with Switzerland was 
concluded. Post, telegraph and telephone (PTT) were taken over by the 
Swiss administration. However, Liechtenstein was authorized to issue 
its own stamps. 
For a few years Liechtenstein remained an autonomous customs terri- 
tory, while negotiations about a new customs treaty with the Swiss 
authorities were in progress. They came to an end on March 29, 1923 by 
signing the new Customs Treaty. It came into force on January 1, 1924. 
By this treaty a new era of economic development was initiated. In the 
same year Swiss francs replaced Austrian crowns. 
The economic structure of the country has undergone a complete 
change within one generation. Up to World War Il farming was the chief 
occupation of the people. In 1923 about 70 % of the working population 


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