Volltext: Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein (1998) (95)

place of pilgrimage, and his great ambition and steadfast resolution was to erect a shrine for our Lady in South Af- rica. While up in Zambesia he never got courting disaster to try and spread the light of the Gospel. Material pro- gress, civilisation, the opening up of distant counties by steam locomotion is, no doubt, important; but where men are harzing everything for merly worldly advantages, it were surley unbecomming of the Catholic Church not fol- low, at least if they cannot lead the way. I would fain hope that our readers will try and help us to give actuality to the little of this article and enable us to move Northward, Ho! R. Sykes, S. J., Bulawayo, Rodesia.137 137) Zambesi Mission Record, Vol. II, Januar 1902, S. 20 f. 114


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