Volltext: Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein (2008) (107)

Chile! life has a stage-set as- pect here. Above Balzers rises the castle of Guten- berg, which withstood a Swiss bombardment in 1499. A local artist, with admirable taste, has trans- formed it into a hotel. To pass its doors is to enter the age of pewter tankards, hand-forged hinges, and hand-illuminated tomes. 
Looking across the Rhine toward the mountains of Liechtenstein. In the center is Burg Gutenberg, once a fortress, now a museumlike hotel. In the foreground the town of Trübbach shoe- strings along the Swiss frontier road. One of the four bridges between Switzerland and Liechten- stein is at the right. 224


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