Volltext: Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein (2008) (107)

LIECHTENSTEIN IN ALTEN SCHILDERUNGEN NORBERT W. HASLER The fortress home of the Lords of Liechtenstein perches like a guardian ea- gle above the town of Vaduz. Prince Johann II took office three years be- fore Lincoln, but he lives in Vienna and his people see very little of him. His sub- jects enjoy universal suf- frage, pay almost no taxes, and have done no military Service since the army of eighty men reported for duty too late to take part in the Austro-Prussian War. 
r A wayside shrine to the prince of peace. Through- out the Principality one fmds little open-air shrines or crucifixes. This one is beside the road between Mittel Schellenberg and Vorder Schellenberg, and the mountains in the back- ground are beyond the Rhine. Tiny Liechtenstein was one of the few parts of Central Europe to escape the horrors of the World War. 221


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